Shipping & Billing Information
BILLING: When you join as a Member of An Essential Basket, you will be charged at the time of purchase. This charge is specifically to reserve the upcoming box(es) included in your membership term. This is critically important given we only allow a limited number of memberships after which we temporarily close the availability to purchase in order to allow the white-glove service all queens are accustomed to and so rightly deserve.
Pay As You Go (USPS Shipping Rates Apply): When you select this membership option you are selecting our most expensive yet easiest option. As the title reflects you pay as you go. The Collector’s Box is $80 USD (plus taxes, if applicable) and each subsequent bi-monthly box is $65 USD (plus taxes, if applicable). Please note, this automatically renews until you pause or cancel.
6-Month Membership (FREE Shipping): This is our most popular option as it saves you money but is 6 months shorter in duration than our 12-Month Membership. There is a nice 50% savings on the Collector’s Box with this option saving you $40 and FREE shipping. The total membership cost for 6 months is $235 USD (plus taxes, if applicable) which includes the Collector’s Box, 4 boxes total. Please note, this automatically renews until you pause or cancel.
12-Month Membership (FREE Shipping): This option provides the greatest savings to you. You receive the Collector’s Box for FREE and FREE shipping. The total membership cost for 12 months is $390 USD (plus taxes, if applicable) which includes the Collector’s Box, 7 boxes total. Please note, this automatically renews until you pause or cancel.
Returns & Exchanges
REFUNDS: Please note, all An Essential Basket purchases are final and nonrefundable. That said, all members and account holders may cancel their An Essential Bakset membership(s) at any time before their next renewal date to prevent the membership from renewing. There is no cancellation fee.
*NOTE: As an alternative, you may PAUSE your membership (skip one box). This can be accomplished by visiting your SUBSCRIPTIONS AND ORDERS page when logged in to your Account. You will still receive all the boxes within that membership option. Pausing never takes away a box from you.😊 You can learn more about pausing by visiting this FAQ: How do I pause my membership?